About Us


About Us

Bihar Administrative Service Association (hereinafter referred as BASA) was registered on 13/09/2003 under relevant provisions of The Societies Registration Act , 1860 ( Act XXI of 1860 ) having registration no. 633 Year 2003-2004. The office of BASA is situated at North of Income Tax Golambar, Nehru Marg, Patna, Bihar 800001.

The main objects, for which the BASA is established, are:

  • To work for the benefit, welfare and development of the members of the Bihar Administrative Service and to Provide for Social, Cultural, Professional and relational need of the Societies in general and members of the service in particular.
  • To inspire and promote devotion to the ideals of efficient administration.
  • To inculcate and foster a sense of Fellow feeling among its members and to promote their common service interest.
  • To strive for improving the service conditions and prospects of its members.
  • The foster friendship and fraternity and to promote welfare activities for the welfare of members of the Service Association.
  • To Strive, to safeguard and promote the interests of the members of the Service.
  • To co-operate with other association of the Government servants having similar objects.
  • Generally to do all acts and undertake all activities necessary conducive, incidental or ancillary to attain its objects.